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Technology Consultants

Running an online business is now easy with our Website and App Development Solution. We have years of experience in designing and developing Websites and Apps. We work on types of website technologies: Angular, HTML, WordPress, Javascript, Angular, etc. The apps we work on are JavaScript, scala, kotlin, python, PHP, C++ etc. Whether it is frontend or backend, we have a team of experts for every task.

our priorities

Let's Discuss

IOS/Android development

We use React Native to build brilliant native experiences in the mobile world. That technology allows having a single codebase for both platforms and reduce development efforts to make the release happen.

E-commerce Development

Logo designing for business is very important when it comes to promoting a company's products or services. Logo must be unique in design that incorporates a design concept and colors etc

UI/UX Design

We brings a design-centric approach to user interface and user experience design, skill-based instruction centred around a visual communications. We create effective and compelling screen-based experiences.

Enterprise Applications

We offers an extended range of Enterprise application development services Delhi, where we give the best effective business solutions for enterprises

PHP Frameworks

We create top-notch PHP web that significantly provides a strong base to relible web development without any glitches, Unified data migration, enhanced security, and vast development.

CMS Development

CMS development is a field where you can easily update your website and manage it the way you want. We creates attractive website that act as a path for your online presence.

JavaScript Frameworks

Wemonde aims to help its customers the best way taking the right JS framework to create their business website.

Customer Loyalty Solutions

Our Loyalty portal helps you build customer loyalty, improve customer retention and increase your revenue.

Customer Feedback Solutions

Our customer feedback solution bridges the gap between you and your customer’s expectations of your services.

Software Quality Assurance (QA) & Testing Services

Our company provides a great holistic approach forth QA & testing services. Focuse on maintaining the integrity of product or services

#1 Agency

Why US ?

Wemonde Technology works in synergy to achieve one goal: a stable product or MVP to make the market say

We design & develop MVP and industry leaders need MVP for following 3 scenarios:


Most Popular Questions

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

Why should we use Wemonde over another agency?

Our clients use us because of our broad capabilities to successfully deliver complex app and online portal development projects. We have over nine years of’ experience in solving all kinds of problems, such as working alongside existing development teams, working with legacy systems to support new app developments, building technically complex features, and bringing together systems, processes and applications with seamless integration.

If you have big ideas, find yourself with complex problems and want the very best from an agency, then Wemonde can help.

Can you give me a fixed-price quote?

Yes, we can.
Before we begin your project, we work with you to write a detailed project specification and then provide you with a fixed-price quote to deliver the work. This fixed price and specification protects you: you can hold us accountable to deliver exactly what has been put to paper, for that exact cost. No hidden charges, no sneaky fees, everything is clear and concise.

A fixed price and accurate specification may take a commitment of time from yourself and Wemonde to reach. Before that commitment is made, you may appreciate a ballpark quote. See below.

Can you give me a ballpark quote?

Yes, we will always try and give you a ballpark or approximate price as early as possible; normally on your first call or email. Having a rough idea of expected costs as soon as possible helps you to qualify whether what you have in mind is commercially feasible and if you would like to investigate further.

Ballpark estimates are educated guesses based on our experience, so please remember that the actual final cost may go up or down as we take the time to explore your requirements in more detail. The more information you can provide us with about what you need, the more accurate our ballpark estimate is likely to be.

I’ve got an idea, where do I start?

Talk to us. If you share your idea via this form, one of our team will respond within one working day by email or phone.
If you’d prefer to speak to us right now, call 9810244800 and one of the team will talk through your ideas and project.
We never hard sell, all calls are without obligations, and we’re always happy to help.
Reach US

Can you build apps for both iOS and Android?

Yes, most of the apps we make support both iOS and Android mobile platforms. It’s common for people to want their applications to work across web and mobile devices, so we use development frameworks such as React and React native that enable us to quickly support both platforms.

Do you build web applications too?

Yes, in fact nearly every mobile app that we build also needs a web based application behind the scenes to drive it. Ever logged into an app? There is a web server in the background, serving the app with data that is checking whether you have permission to log in, or not.

How do you make sure you build what I want, and don’t get it wrong?

We don’t just blindly begin building your requirements; we start by having a meeting to understanding the commercial factors that are driving the need for your project. We want to get to a position very quickly where we know enough to challenge you on the assumptions you’ve made about the features you require.

Once we understand your business, we go to lots of effort at the start of a project to work with you, and scope out your requirements in detail.

What kind of support will I receive throughout the development process?

You will be assigned a dedicated project manager, who will be your primary point of contact throughout the development process.
All of your requests and questions are managed through our support portal, to ensure we give you a swift response, and your work is prioritised appropriately. We also offer a range of support and maintenance options to ensure we are responsive to your requests after the launch date.
You can read more about our project management process in our answer to "How will you project manage my project (e.g. AGILE, Waterfall, etc)?".

Will I own the source code?

Yes, you will be assigned appropriate copyright or license rights for the bespoke code that we write for your project. We are transparent with intellectual property rights, and you will have the opportunity to review our code ownership terms before the project begins.

How long will it take to build and launch my app?

Many factors contribute to launching a successful project, and some requirements may result in the project taking longer to develop than others. However, for estimation, a good guide is that a project will typically take one month for every £5k (+vat) of development work.

Can you deliver my project quicker?

In some cases yes, in others, no.
Can nine women deliver a baby in one month? This analogy can be applied to tech projects too.
Sometimes, by dedicating more developer resource to a project, it can be completed much faster. But in other situations, we may be restricted by the project, technology or security requirements.
If you have a date requirement, contact us as soon as possible so we can do our very best to meet it.

Do you provide ongoing support, maintenance and updates?

Yes, we offer the option to engage us on an ad-hoc basis for support, or have monthly retainer options should you require a more consistent and reliable level of service.
Ad-hoc support can work for projects that need minimal support as to avoid the need for fixed ongoing monthly costs. However, this can be at the expense of responsivity as requests are scheduled based on when our resource is available.  Most of our clients choose to have at least a small monthly support retainer to get the best responsivity, as dedicated time is scheduled months in advance. If you have a highly technical project with us, then we would recommend opting for a monthly support retainer to cover small ad-hoc changes, improvements, updates and support.
We base our retainer pricing on the amount of development and support hours you need each month. The number of hours that you need depends on many factors such as the size of your project, or the number of new features you are likely to need each month that you’d like to be covered by your retainer arrangement. It’s important to us that you get value-for-money so we’d recommend putting together a nice-to-have list so that your allocation is used each month on value-adding improvements.
Should you have ongoing project requirements beyond the launch of the first version of your website or app, then you may want to consider taking an AGILE approach to your project and have an ongoing retainer arrangement with us that allows us to build, test and deploy larger new features every month. Under this agreement, we would have a retainer allowance which pays for enough time to develop significant new features. At the start of each month, we would agree on the work that is going to form part of the next sprint (i.e. the next 2-4 weeks) and would deliver the work at the end of that period. Read more about AGILE v.s. Waterfall with our answer to "How will you project manage my project (e.g. AGILE, Waterfall, etc)?".
Clients who favour AGILE, typically understand that we need to perform significant amounts of work over the coming months, but they might not know when they need what feature, or if the requirements will change. It’s common for start-ups to go AGILE, as the way that users engage with the product once it launches can have a significant impact on which features or changes need to be prioritised, or may give light to new high-priority changes that would be difficult to predict before launch.

Can I make changes to my app or website after its launched?

Yes, in fact, we highly recommend that you begin by launching the simplest possible version of your vision first and continue to adapt it over time. This staged approach is called launching a "minimum viable product" (MVP).
  The idea behind launching an MVP is that you’ve inevitably made assumptions, and you can’t test these assumptions until you release something to the world. By releasing a lean first version, you can test your assumptions and use this information to decide on the priorities of future requirements. It reduces engineering waste.
We have some options around making future changes to your app or website.
You can either commission us to update your app or website on a project-by-project basis, whereby we specify, quote, schedule and finally deliver a fixed set of requirements as-and-when you need them. Or, we can take an AGILE approach whereby we schedule in a certain amount of developer time each month to constantly improve things for you. Both approaches have merit, and it’s likely that you will know instinctively reading this as to which is right for you.

What programming languages and frameworks do you use?

We like to use open source languages wherever possible with HTML, CSS and JavaScript on the front end, and JavaScript or PHP on the back end. We use React Native for most mobile app projects, but will sometimes use Cordova or PhoneGap should we be working within tight budgets or need to support web, Android and iOS quickly.
For web apps, we use frontend layout frameworks such as bootstrap, foundation, material and SemanticUI in combination with front-end code frameworks such as React or Angular. On the back-end, we usually use a PHP framework such as Laravel or Yii2, with the occasional project in NodeJS.


